[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Oh yeah I meant amelia my bad

scum would be more cautious and double check traditionally.

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Or this could be you just throwing shade on me for no reason. Donā€™t you think Iā€™d double check my fakeclaim if I was scum?

This exactly.

Time for a before supper nap for me too.

No reason beyondā€¦ Me not liking how you didnā€™t remember your role name?

they do

Iā€™m going to my aunts house so ima be afk but Iā€™ll be back when I arrive

The way Surge is fighting against their lynch is starkly different compared to their other scum game in Wild West.
Surge got caught as scum socially, they kinda just rolled over and waited for EoD1.
This time weā€™re not seeing that.

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Oh yeah happy late 400 posts

If anyone can convince me that someone else other than Surge should be yeeted today, Iā€™ll move their vote off of Surge.
Iā€™m waiting for anyone to make their case for anyone other than Surge.

He absolutely is just waiting

Heā€™s essentially just accepting his death and just saying ā€œokay donā€™t ML PKR after you ML meā€

Meh I could argue heā€™s trying to make a effort Iā€™m just on the same boat as Richard other then thinking seths explanation is a bit meh

O cool I noticed something that hasnā€™t gotten pointed out yet. Iā€™m so observant, go me :slight_smile:

:eyes: ok actually Iā€™m going now :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::kiss::joy:

Whatā€™s that then or are you keeping it to yourself

Min ur scary sometimes

I donā€™t wanna risk outting more town roles

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so you saw a soft?

no, but thats all ima say. It will get noticed at some point.

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