[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

but the illuminati have the treatment, while they put the plague on everyone else (in game lore)


Reminder: letā€™s not get too absorbed in mech bs. Trying to find the factional stuff is fine, but letā€™s not conspire about the plague without more info


Like this plague stuff actually derails the thread. Our topics are ( A ) where is the night kill and ( b ) where are the scum in this thunderdome

and if scum are outside of the thunderdome where are they

I feel weā€™ve exhausted those two topics.

I am going to eat now, but I want to see everyone on track

Nk could have been a save too. Idk impossible to tell rn.


I think weā€™ve gone over the reason why there was no factional kill.

If anyone else has anything to add then sure.

Heya I exist.
Not much atm but I am concerned about the claims made >.>

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You shouldnā€™t be concerned about claims you made unless you lied or you believe they are fake somehow.

before I go, can you go over your reasoning for Seth being scum again?

just paraphrase the case for me please (I will likely ISO you later, but I want a reference)

I checked them to see my targetā€™s night action and any feedbackā€¦

I was told that my target is planting the bomb.

My concern comes from Seth seeming so genuine that there must be a redirector or bus driver and it is making me paranoid

I canā€™t figure it out

Why the one with the redcheck on seth thinks seth is scum


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I want the details of said red check

this is why I ask

Imagine if seth has got so good at scum over a short period of time heā€™s able to fool pkr what a mastermind

Iā€™m back :joy_cat: