[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Then just don’t vote

Why vote for cent lol it looks slightly like ur trying to get ppl off seth

Not to mention don’t you literally want him dead

Just don’t vote

*and onto cent

i won’t be here for EoD

oh and also
i change mind about cent

Okay…so why vote cent still if you want Seth dead?

Oh ok

i don’t want to have no vote for EoD

vote seth then lmao

It’s better to have no voice at eod than to literally vote the CW of who you believe is scum lmao whatt

i didn’t know this and im slightly inclinded to not believe it

What the fuck

literally everybody told me it’s scummy to not have a vote at EoD
nobody told me that

But then vote a vanity wagon

Not the person who is a CW to the person you think is scum

Vote seth lmao

you want a quickhammer?

Why are you afraid of quickhammer anyway

Scum gains nothing from it what


they uh
waste valuable discussion time