[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Hey I also said that.

I never ever said the plague had anything to do with the Illuminati mech wise

and I donā€™t even remember mentionning it, I also donā€™t even believe that. Itā€™s flat out wrong

This is what I was saying before.

Itā€™s just lol jokes

even if seth is town he gets mislynched down the line. Resolve him today pls

If I had the mech info, Iā€™d out it as mech, itā€™s literally me joking in my second post of the game

Then why not Vote Leafia instead if you think they are scum regardless? I also stated there is a good chance they could be Converted Bus Driver.

If they were converted why and how would they know specialist abilities

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I think youā€™re a wolf, thus Iā€™m voting you

And class in general

They could just look at their original class card and claim their starting class if thatā€™s the world weā€™re living in.
A little common sense goes a long way.

Who the fuck would convert Leafia

So itā€™s ok for me to be MLā€™ed?
Fair, considering me being alive would hurt us due to current game state.
However, if we can find and lynch the scum today we have a chance.

Iā€™m willing to Lynch ATNoName, Cent, Ameila, Erika Or Leafia today.
I just think Cent is the most likely to be scum.

Alice in that one past game

You have a pretty short memory there.
I mean it isnā€™t as though you played in SFoL 63 no?

This was so insulting for no reason, Jesus.

Leafia claimed a different class then a bus driver lol so I donā€™t see why theyā€™d be a converted

Leafia was a confirmed Town role, sheā€™s none of that this game

I legit fuckin quoted it before, you blind?


I wasnā€™t trying to insult you.
I was pointing that itā€™s better if we didnā€™t have to explain every little detail and think for yourself.