[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

how about we just take cents word for it

Depends on how tough illuminati is

No because illuminati doesnā€™t have a factional kill and canā€™t convert at 3

Also if we kill one they can convert anf that means more converts

If thereā€™s convert scum and other scum (maybe dead or have one more?) realistically how do we win this especially like most roles are 2 or 3 shot

. _.

Ok converts are a thing, but the convert was today.

Which is why weā€™re going for NSF today.

Game plan tk needs to start shooting some ass tonight

Inb4 both NSF are Illuminati

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Think our tk gorta died lul

If we off a Illuminati today, then we must off one tomorrow.

Alright actually never mind I did the math wrong
Iā€™m still concerned about Illuminati tho

Personally thinking we go for nsf solely because if we kill an illuminati they simply can replace

Eli talked to PKR right


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Btw @Whysper

If youā€™re still here, mind giving your thoughts and reads?


PKRā€™s talking was a passive iirc

Your like the pope who asks other ppl to do stuff

Yes eli also said he was linked or whatever

Wouldnā€™t he use an ability on the person heā€™s talking to

I mean sure

But why isnā€™t eli dead then