[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

…it can’t get much higher when I’m basically confirmed town at this point


Yeah, it does seem like we might have 4 NSFs since we should still have the leader and hitman/janitor. Unless there was some other way for Gorta to be cleaned.

About the Illuminati, didn’t you (Eevee) say they start as NSF?

Oh, maybe the Illuminati also have a hitman/janitor. I see one listed for that previous game.

Or the janitor might have been converted and they still have their clean ability.

Ahh yes, could be. Also interested in what Eevee said about Illuminati starting as NSF.

Becayse nsf can be converted

Also the idea of nsf being converted and then found makes me go :))

If I’m understanding Eevee correctly, then the NSF isn’t immune to conversion.

And it could be why there hasn’t been another clean flip but we haven’t even had night deaths to prove so I won’t think of that theory too much

Oh wait nvm the clean flip was yesterday ??!?! I for some reason thought there was another day lol

actually in Deus Ex 3, Illuminat start on their own

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Why are we speculating on random tinfoils theories? Doesn’t this help scum more bruh?

Why are you on my ass so much

We have 48 hours

I’m not pushing it like seth pushed a scum bus driver I said something because thoughts

I never mentioned you or was specifically saying you but ok sure,

What’s wrong with me asking you questions anyways? I don’t see the problem

They CAN, don’t HAVE TO.

NSF Goon rolled as Illuminati leader in Deus Ex 3.
NSF thought they are NSF-aligned, while at the same time they were converting people to own faction.

It’s nothing it’s just you’ve been pointing out everything you’ve found wrong with me and it makes me go bebshwk