[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins


I just saw that

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1/4 of this thread is min hyperposting the thread to oblivion. LUL

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It’s loterally the way I am

I don’t mean to hyper post like to be annoying or spam I hope u guys don’t get that from me

Let’s make min’s check actually useful.

Hardclaiming enforcer (so same class as AtNo claimed).
Tho I used way more cheesy strategy than he did.

Trick in this game is that classes can self-target.
Yes, that includes visit prevention.

Which means that if prepared correctly can basicly create something along the lines of innocent child.

Yeah, that’s why I wanted Derps to shot me d1.
We can see how it ended.

That’s why I said Seth’s heal wouldn’t matter.
And that bomb cannot be on me.
And other stuff which I can quote if you need more.

I actually believe one of converts might have been stopped on me. Hopefully?
Like if convert was to happen N2, who wouldn’t want to recruit unsuspected player, full of mechanic knowledge, who also is apparently bulletproof?


According to the OP, the Illuminati can kill players.
If my hunch is correct, if we don’t kill an Illuminati today they’ll have factional kills once they’re full.

Oh I assumed u were something else but that makes sense

So you think u actually stopped ur own conversion?

The only problem with that theory is who would convert Eevee here?
I’m pretty sure they weren’t obvious town read on D1.

Eevee gave the following reasoning on that.

That’s pure guessing.

I mean, I’m hopping it did happen, but there is no real reason to believe it did happen.

And Eevee is someone that might not be noticeable as converted since they already seem a little odd in their posts.

They wouldn’t have known that for sure on N1 no?
I imagine they’d pick someone is more town read than Eevee was on D1.

Which is true. Though I can’t help thinking there have to better reasons to convert someone than that.

Could convert happen N1?

I don’t think there is any reason to think Illuminati can’t convert N1.
What if the NSF kills them N1 and they can’t convert?
That makes no sense from a game balance perspective.

Okay. Eevee particularly mentioned N2, so I wasn’t sure if that was a given or just a hypothetical for if an N1 convert failed.

Also, if you want an educated guess:

Erika is starting town.
Min is starting town.
AtNo is starting town.
Centuries is starting town.
Amelia is starting town.

That’s actually in order of certainty.

Which leaves us…

Why are you most certain about Erika?

Educated Guess ™

Alright looking at Soul’s day 2 ISO, they posted way more but I realized this is due to day 2 being twice as long as day 1 so I’m an idiot

Anyways, during most of day 2, while the redcheck on Seth was a thing, Soul had a really… uhh straightforward thought process? Like I mean they basically said that “Hey, if Seth flips town, we kill PKR.” I can’t say this is a scummy or towny thought process, as I could really see both sides thinking this, but I wanted to mention this since this might be of interest later.

Other than that, Soul day 2 I think generally more townier than day 1. I think they’re posts were much better. They weren’t so deadset on “Surge must die because redcheck”, and were more patient and wanted to see both sides talk (PKR and Seth), which I think indicates towniess. Notably, they also did say they think Seth was gonna die anyways a couple posts before but eh I’ll let it go. Halfway through the day I think they kinda shifted a bit of their attention away from Seth and towards Eevee regarding them surviving the vig shot, which I wanna say is towny because scum would be more focused on Seth most likely during that time. Note: this shift of attention wasn’t like a big big shift or anything. The tone of their posts also got purer I would say.

Anyways like I said, it looks like they unconverted themselves night 1 almost.

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Hmm I see eevee agrees with my Erika read.

Okay, and what’s the “Educated” part based on? :slight_smile: