[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

I actually have a question for you intensify

Go ahead

Why did you like

Iso and feel the need to prove to me soul was town instead of just yourself

Like you isoed soul and said ā€œyeah heā€™s probably not convertedā€

My ISO on Soul wasnā€™t really me trying to prove to you specifically that Soul was town?

I did it because of suspicions I had on them and I wanted to formulate a proper read on them by reviewing through their ISO.

I mentioned the ā€œYeh Soul is unlikely convertedā€ because you mentioned how you thought Soul was converted and I disagreed on that.

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Iā€™m ISOing people and going through thoughts right now.
You said I wasnā€™t solving as much, so here you go, me trying to solve and formulate my reads and then come to conclusions.

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Thatā€™s fair enough. I feel like it would be a little risky for you to kinda closen yourself to soul like this so i think intensify and soul are at least not both illuminati

There are 3 answers here and Iā€™m not sure which one I should chose tbh.

If you are unsure about derps? Who are you more sure about? Me personally I like the idea of an eli yeet.

He has lower posts then dead people and I feel like he hasnā€™t done much of anything in those posts

I donā€™t believe in sort by postcount.

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Oh well

I get that, itā€™s just part of my reasoning why brjfkfgl

Meh, Derps is kinda right.

I shouldnā€™t be the one deciding here.

We donā€™t want you to decide we want you to give your opinions.

This isnā€™t just min push someone and we kill them the entire game believe it or not, I may be loud but right now we need anyoneā€™s opinion because if weā€™re extremely unsure with derps, whatā€™s the point of killing him if we think heā€™s town?

If you have done one thing the entire game, why change because one person pointed it out? Theres no point but to keep just being yourself and going where your mind goes.!That makes you look self conscious which could be mildly suspicious

Itā€™s deeper than that.

The point is that most mafia communities are incredibly closed, with well-known players easilly gathering people to follow them and newbies struggling to get through with own opinions.

While in ideal gameā€¦ reputation shouldnā€™t have much of influence.

Look at PKR and Surge for example. Which one was way more likely to be listened to?
And that despite PKR making multiple slips, no one really paid attention to them nor considered he might just be Illuminati who outs NSF for credit.

Or way better example - look at Mafia Universe Pantheon Mash which just ended, where all champions were picked basing on how well known player is, not how townie they are.

Derps is not exactly wrong that I left way bigger impact on this game then I should.

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Tho I guess Iā€™m not a head mod anymore, so Iā€™m not the one responsible for how this community develops.

Remember me telling PKR on day 1 to not talk too much till like day 2/3 and too look at playerlist to understand what I mean?

We were the only 2 people here who are here several years straight, meaning we could easily dominate the game, while I wanted new people to shine.

Also cause reading new players is easier when they are not just all blindly following.

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Oh? Well I listened to PKR just because he seemed more reasonable and wasnā€™t thinking of how popular he was or whatever

like he kinda looked like he was important especially when he said he thought his class was basically the protagonist.

also that was nice of you to want other people to shine

And also I didnā€™t really listen to anyone else after I saw seth flip I really pushed leafia even if it made me look sus because I just knew she was scum

It wasnā€™t a ā€œsheep older playerā€ thing either