[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Okay, so that’s fine

If You are town. Can you help out a little?

I’m doing what I can with the time I have


Who would you want to yeet today?

Not sure atm

Alright that’s fine

Do you have a fair idea of who is town?

Not particularly

Dosent help that wagons have been useless for the most part

If I had any concrete reads I would have shot someone else by now

@Soulshade55r come

Also that’s alright thanks 4 at least giving some more for me



Becouse it’s mutliball. And becouse PKR slipped many times as illuminati.
Which really should have gotten him lynched above Seth tbh.

I understand that most people might not thought about illuminati back then, but like… scum outing enemy scum faction for towncred is… really easy.

Don’t misunderstand me, I did want Seth lynched, but it was highly likely it was scum outing scum imo.

Here’s a list of pp.

Eevee - [Null/Scummy] In general they are kinda meh haven’t really been too big on any pushes

Derp - [Scum] So I know they lied, idk Derps isn’t really town here then again derps plays weirdly

Amelia - [Not NSF] I doubt they are but I think they could be convter scum they have lol mech check on their side

Erika - [Null] - Idk they really haven’t been oppressing any sides

Whysper - [Null/Townish] - Pretty much the same. But I feel like whyspers acted pretty normal I have no real context on erika

Min - [Not NSF] - obviously not Nsf could be converter scum I feel like Min and a lot of others fit in here because they’ve been pushung NSF a lot.

Richard - [Null/Townish] - Generally not much interaction with them they seem towny from what I’ve seen

Intensify - [Null/Scummy] - I really cannot remember anything significant intenisfy has said or done but like Idk they could come back as town

Eli - [Null] - never really seen much of them

Atno - [Null/scummy] - I kinda feel like Atno has costed along like they have done before as scum in the past I’ll need to look at a couple of their posts

Centuries - [Null] - really don’t know how to feel for thos slot either

Yes a lot of reads have null because of multiball.

I feel like Nsf is in: (Most likely to least)

Cult scum is pretty open ended at this point for me still but I do feel we need a good push or make reads on possible conv scummy

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Keep in mind thesd are just my thoughts currently I might have missed something idk

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This and intensifys read on u makes me think both of u are not the same faction more tbh

At least u both r not scum for sure

Some cult scum ideas would be:

ATno, cent, (socially) amelia, derps (more likely NSF)

Of course because theirs been no actual dead cult its so much harder to read

Cults definitely more open ended because I think literally no one is socially cleared from cult

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This from intensify

To this lol

Makes me know this at least isn’t like w/w at least from the same faction

Think You guys would both if u were in the same scumfaction you’d agree to either town or scumread eachother

I also think if this was w/v then intensify would be scum

I mean I like to fluff a lot :3

I can see me slanking a lot but in general wasn’t really motivated