[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

I think it was in recent memory

I can remember you acting the same

Hard to explain but your very tone is just weird to me at least and i dont thonk anyone significantly has pushed you that hard yet

Thonk :slight_smile:

I explained it before.

Unatco Enforcer the visit prevention can self target (AtNo can ask for it if you need confirmation).

I softed day 1 hard that I’m gonna just hide myself and need one person to confirm this in some way.
Vig shot would be enough, tho yesterday I asked min, becouse Derps backed out of his claim.

Meaning that right now I’m having not only confirmed role, but also that I could not be converted so far.

But yeah, I did only want to waste one action, not two for that.
And basicly turning one of vig with guilt shots into bascily cop check was great idea.

Using cop check with godfather / tailor possibly still alive for other people is still less accurate then just proving someone is UNATCO Enfrocer, tho less gain in that benefit, I admit.

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I had tonal issue regardless of alignment

Remember what Whysper said?

Btw about the coast thing, that just NAI considering I was misyeeted for doing so.


This ^

If you have questions reagarding my strategy, go ahead.

I could definitely have more substantial stuff most of my reads are lazy and based off memory which I’ve said before I cba to isos dive everyone again.

Which I should do at this point just holy fuck the emotional stress and time that would take

Enforcer is 2 or 3 shot?

Count me out of doing that.

I will openly act like a dumbass and make wrong assumption reads to create a better opinion about someone tho


Wait uhhh

I generally just am trying to play as honest as I can to a fault tbh

I’m way too much in defence mode rn

Somtimes I need to give a shit about how i come across instead of lol doing it for content but yeha like holy fuck I have no actual clue what I’m doing half the time but if it helps get my dumb shit reads out I’ll do it.

Anyway I’ve probably made myself look worse and worse but at least I’ve done something other then agree with a top lynch I’m proud of that.

/Vote whysper
I’m leaving my vote here Whyspers generally kinda quiet and agreeable but I don’t think this vote is harmful

Go to vote thread

What is vote thread?

Also soul my view hasn’t changed that much on u

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Beuh wtf is that dc