[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

@eevee who would u wanna yeet? do you think it’s intensify?

@Amelia @Intensify @CRichard564 @Whysper @ATNoName @SirDerpsAlot @Soulshade55r

Come to thread before eod or looser

Did you call me?

If you don’t feel comfortable with intensify don’t hide

Yep what’s up

Are you comfortable with intensify yeet? Would you rather yeet someone else?

min, did you read article I linked before and me questioning Centuries?

Yes I read both I was basically lurking the entire time

Two hours until EOD

What else am I supposed to really do to defend myself here.

Like anyone else have any reasons for voting me or is it just

  • Disappeared day 2
  • “Questions are suspicious”

I don’t think we have a better choice than yeeting Intensify today.
Unless they’re proven by mech/socially they’re UNATCO still.

wdym no better choice

i dont see why he is so sus to begin with

What about NoName?

Suppose it was your choice to yeet someone else other than Intensify.
Who would you choose instead?

Semi present, no promises

If I wanted to hit scum, probably Eli

CL pool is fairly big, anyone not greenchecked/whose role we dont know

I dont think CL would claim this early

The issue is derps is going to vig eli

If Derps vigs Eli.
There’s still like tons of scum possible.

That doesn’t make you not scum

We have 2 NFWs, 1 Illuminati Leader and 2 converts presumably.

SDA vigs one

Still 4 more