[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

That scum is stupid, becouse no kill would be way smarter

NAI Host Bonk :bell: :hammer:


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Did you say you were watcher or am I just stupid


Greencheck on intensify unless he’s gf

you shot me

Well uh

That eases convert concerns

If min is scum intensify is like for sure GF tbh

I got some op bonus thing

Based and soulpilled

Good thing I’m not scum

Also there’s one nsf left anyway

Which is the : gf himself

NSF only has godfather left.

It’s more about Illuminati now.

Does illum not have a gf

Fair enough

It’s about time we started focusing on illuminati at this point

CRich claimed watcher

Guess who we yeeted

Eevee said something about checking the shot EoD

They didn’t back then?

It was literally 2-shot convert with 1 night cooldown and 1-shot night immunity in deus ex 3.

Some converted classes could mess aorund tho.


Did anyone like

Have a bus driver on gorta or redirect Crich into gorta

Not the bus driver stories again

did you
shoot me
or not