[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

If both soul and whys say min Please modkill me

I did guard Min. Soul was suppose to guard Eevee.

we have you, Eevee and other people to rolestop, we canā€™t possibly blocked the night kill assuming we are all UNATCO

@Soulshade55r whoā€™d u rolestop

Either way, I think figuring out what happened N3 would get us the NSF Leader

Please letā€™s not go down this route

Also atno didnā€™t you say you ran out of charges likeā€¦ a while ago?

Last night?

I never did


I couldā€™ve swore you said that

Well, he kind of made it uncertain whether he did anything N1. I guess to keep his use count hidden.

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If it wasnā€™t obvious, Iā€™m JOAT.
Rather werid thing which can use base abilities of other classes.

Aka. If no enforcer rolls, my role is here to take theirs place and defuse a bomb.

Thatā€™s why I wanted a refill from Erika, cause I can actually chose what ability I use it for.
And thatā€™s why I was saying that most of UNATCO abilities werenā€™t changed from what I can see since likeā€¦ day 2.


Might have been no one Iā€™m leaving that up for interpretation.

I mean let me give you two different words for why:

R1: I used my ability on someone important

R2: I saved my role stop for later

If its actually important for something Iā€™ll out it tho.

I want to know cuz if all enforcers were on me Im gonna have a real good feeling one of u r fake

Ok I can out that I was not on you if I did anything

Okay thatā€™s cool

I was gonna rt Eevee and say I didnā€™t actually attack Eli but

Then I realized Eevee would just call me dumb

That actually happened, just with guard it seems.

And this kinda confirms there is some watcher in the first place.

That should be enough of explanation.

I already called you to stop trolling when you said you didnā€™t attack them.