[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

I think whysper might be

cult leader

I still think min scum but I’m also tunneling at this point so :man_shrugging:t2:

At least you’re self aware

Why do you have more post than the top 3 posters after you lmfao

Because I talk too much.

You should work on that

Posting too much helps scum significantly more than town

It’s hard

I get thoughts and then if I don’t immediately post them I forget it because I immediately think about something else

I refuse to belive all 1300 posts you have are game related/helpful to say

I never said they were

I’m aware I have a problem and I’m letting you know I will work on it

What are ur general reads btw

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I don’t want to try to sort through your posts to find them cuz



Of everyone in general rn or specific people?


Me - Myself

Eevee - town

Erika - town

Derps - town

Amelia - town

Eli - Scummy

Soul - Scum

Whysper - Scum

AtNoName - Scum

I feel like whys can be cl with noname and soul as converts. I really think noname is scum and whys kinda giving defense towards them makes me think they’re cl especially if cl is immune to checks which at this point it’s probably true.

Intensify is gf to me if I’m being honest

If an nk exists, eli is most likely nk.

Did I forget someone

So you think this is the scum team + NSF lead

I forgot intensify in the list. I think he’s nsf gf.

Eli hasn’t been acting the best but I feel like him being evil is convert and in that case he’d switch with soul and the team would be whys at and Eli.

If he is not illuminati he is a possible nk