[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Considering NSF is still here I think not as erika can technically still be killed

here goes gf throwing more shade :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:

Well I didnā€™t know that

I barely even know how this works Iā€™m just saying weā€™re literally going to lose if we donā€™t kill nsf and cl todsy and tommrow

Also eod is literally afternoon tommrow at least est

Thatā€™s not yet at this point voting is so much okay simply because literally nobody seems to be alive anyway

Iā€™m voting soon as I know Iā€™m here at end of day anyway.

Unless my internet decides frige u

I donā€™t know who else NSF leader can be other then whysper.

We really fricked up on the intensify pusg

If we lynch town today - most likely lost

If we lynch cl today - most likely lost

If we donā€™t lynch at all - another kill via nsf and eventually just a probable loss

If we lynch nsf - literally our best case scenario today

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I agree with that at least

At is gf

Heā€™s literally acted scummy this entire game and is acting MORE scummy now because heā€™s throwing shade at literally me and you

Fingers cross and just hope atno is NSF keader.

Then again discussing stuff is good but I donā€™t know what else we can say or do

ok stfu. You are calling anything that points to you being remotely scum shade.

You literally are shading lmao you did it to soul too

I guess I donā€™t get an opinion now. :frowning:

I mean I pointed out to atno how if I literally said anything about eevee or heck avoided responding I could have been given a generic response.

Thereā€™s a difference between having an opinion and then shading literally random people because youā€™re evil and thatā€™s simply what ur doing considering youā€™ve done it the entire game

Yeah honestly atno hasnā€™t been the least bit convincing to me

oh great this is wolf banding together.


is this

MORE SHADE? :joy_cat:

canā€™t be shade if Iā€™m SRing both of you.

Whatā€™s your definition of shading? Because sometimes I find that people often find it difficult to distinguish between shading and just examining reasons why someone might be scum.