[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

If you think about it, every role could get something replenished from you.

Now… think of what would cult leader get replenished.
Interesting, isn’t it?

Min saying that cult leader didn’t convert… might be actually true… and also somehow TMI.
If converts are limited, that would mean they could have been wasted hitting someone who died to NSF or visit prevenetion.

But then, unless they were heavilly suspected, they would want to get refilled, hmm.

I just figured no one tried cause it would stand out too much to signal to my dumb ass.

I’m aware it would be too obvious to just come and say “hey, I lack shots to convert people, gimme one”, but like… pocket-wise might be a thing.

Depending if you did or did not refuel scum (So… Soul and min so far?), amount of Illuminati might be actually much lower than we think.

It’s a wishful thinking and might as well be wrong, but min saying that CL didn’t convert… actually brought me onto this idea.

I just there’s more towny acting people compared to scummy

Why do you feel like you need to defend against everything I say?

Who is everyone’s cult team rn?

Honestly I wasn’t paying that much attention to claims and I don’t remember liking or agreeing with what you said to get refills.

But ya

I’m not worried I’m just explaining myself !!!

Min & Amelia likely someone like eevee is converted

My whole game plan is hoping you and derps aren’t converted anyway

Eevee could be town if Gf got converted

Amelia and maybe eevee and soul/derps tbh

Feel like soul is town tho but like I’d rather not think abt u ops bonusing converted vig

I would like to think you started town at least min.

I do think your converted perhaps that will change but you do seem like one of the top convert targets.

Idk i know for sure erika wasn’t converted n1

I think Amelia is CL and converted Min N1, who then gave Amelia a green check the following day.

Who’s NSF leader in the world ur not

Only way I see whysper not being NSF leader is if amelia is NSF leader

Then again we were so sure on atno and intensify now that i just feels like it could be anyone even someone we considiered “confirmed”

I see Min jumping from doubting Amelia is CL to now saying she probably is. I think because Min wants to distance from Amelia since it is becoming more apparent she is suspicious.

Also, I think both Amelia and Min are trying to push Eevee as a convert as well, so now I’m thinking Eevee likely isn’t a convert.

If derps or erika is converted illuminati has straight up just won

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The NSF Leader is confusing. Sometimes I think maybe the NSF Leader started as CL. I don’t think Amelia is NSF Leader by itself with how she interacted with Leafia and CRich. However, it’s possibly she’s NSF Leader starting also as Illuminati. But if this isn’t the case, then I think Eevee might be NSF Leader not converted.