[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Okay, sure. :slight_smile:

Oh, actually Iā€™m starting to think maybe there isnā€™t a 3rd Illuminati. Like either one got prevented or some other interference.

Though maybe if Amelia is both NSF and Illu, then I guess the converts could be Min and you.

Iā€™m pretty confident both Erika and Derps are town at this point. Soul I can only see being Illu if you are also because of the whole 4th Enforcer claim.

Why would NSF not kill if they are Illuminati (and achieve 3 vs 3 this way)?
Why would I claim enforcer if I was not enforcer (and converted)?
Why would I ask to refill Derps if Derps is town and Iā€™m Illuminati?

This scenario doesnā€™t add up mechanic wise.

There is some other smaller interactions as well, but that should be enough anyway.

Give me next scenario.

Hmmm, this is certainly a good point. It only makes sense for NSF to keep the PoE wide if they are all alone. I forgot about that aspect.

Actually you did fake claim Enforcer and Iā€™m not entirely certain why other than to hide your special role? Though the fact that you brought attention to yourself so much goes against the idea of hiding your role. To be honest, Iā€™m still not sure why you did this as either town or scum.

To waste limited resource called ā€œnight actionsā€.

All scum flipped so far had limited night actions to begin with.

Hmmm, also good point. So that goes back to only making sense if you are NSF and wanting a way to help reduce Illu. Or just you are town.

You know, I canā€™t help thinking you might just make plays that donā€™t make sense, though, to confuse everyone. Again, going back to the whole fake claim of Enforcer.

Also, I want to go through as many scenarios as possible, so I donā€™t expect answers for my points, just go through next scenario.

So you think your fake claim of Enforcer helped to reduce scum night actions?

Possibly, we will get to it later.
First analysis, conclusions later.

Hmmm, now Iā€™m having troubles thinking of other scenarios. I had previously considered a scenario where you are starting as combined NSF Leader and Illu. And that gave you the 1-shot BP. But then this runs back into what you said about no NSF NK and also you asking for Derps to get refilled. Basically any scenario with combined NSF Leader and Illu has the NK problem. Unless Soul actually had a charge and protected someone.

Or wait, didnā€™t you claim that your special role basically gives your any ability, like a backup? Did you get any ops refills? Because I suppose you could have protected someone if thatā€™s the case.

The reason I think Derps is town is that heā€™s not really pushing any agenda. I think scum Derps is usually doing that more. He seems to just be going along and just seeing what people want him to do.

No ops refills for me.

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Okay. Though I wonder how many charges you start with. :slight_smile: I would guess 3.

So if you protected yourself N1, then did that follow or watching when Derps shot at Eli, then maybe you still have a charge after that

N3 min being blocked was a thing.

Oh, okay, I see

That doesnā€™t change much.

Go back to scumteams.

I believe I can logically rebounce all but 2 scenarios rn.