[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

I’m trying to think if there’s anything stopping Min from being NSF Leader other than it seems unlikely socially

Min confirming my visit prevention fails in that line.

Lack of nightkill is explained by Soul’s protection tho.
So more probable then previous ones at least.

All the 3/3/1 scenarios seem problematic. That’s why I’m thinking it more likely 4/2/1. Or 4/3/0 (combined NSF Leader and CL).

4/3/0 would be weird unless Soul stopped a kill.

I need to take care of some things here soon. But I might be back in an hour or so.

It’s been interesting discussing scenarios with you. :slight_smile: Though I can’t help thinking it would be weird if you are scum. Haha. :slight_smile: But still interesting.

Yeah, it would pretty much rely on that.

23 hours until End of Day 7.

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Now something interesting I checked after min saying that CL is not converting.

Conspiracy Theory (Night) - You convert the target to your cause - 2-shot uses - 1 Night cooldown

^ that’s CL from Deus 3.

Our whole yesterday “Cult leader has to die to not convert someone else” was pretty much… fail? if it still has 2-shot convert.

That’s why I was questioning Erika who was trying to pocket them.

Cause if CL is alive (non-gorta) and wasted one of his converts somewhere due to:

  1. Gorta dying
  2. Hitting one of 4 visit prevention claims
  3. Converting same person as NSF kills

We could be as well in 4-2-1- or 5-1-1 scenario.
In which case they should be hard trying to get theirs shots replenished… or just give up.
Depends on person I guess.

That scenario makes soul and min non-CL, since they did get replenishment apparently.

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Do you have a link to roles from Deus 3? I couldn’t find those.

But yeah, if that’s from Deus Ex 3, then that seems like a high possibility to have been brought into this one.

Oh, I see what someone was saying about how Deus Ex 2 looks like Illu didn’t use conversion. So Deus Ex 3 actually had it as an ability like that. I see.

I do, since I was reviewing it.

I’m not sure if I should post it due to semi-closed game form.

Like… I’m pretty sure it’s unfair that I have access and you don’t, but ruining the game form is not a good solution either.

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Okay, I understand

But the idea of a possible 5-1-1 scenario is interesting.

2-shot conversion does sound kind of bad for CL though. Haha. Especially with all the visit prevention abilities.

Man, the CL would be having a really, really tough game in that case

Yeah, there is second explanation for current situation.

And that is CL waiting till late game to convert (for town to lose prevention and to not convert someone who is gonna die to NSF).

But like… I doubt anyone except me would be crazy enough to wait till day 7.

So even if it allows to dodge some kills and stuff, it would be 3-3-1 now.
EXCEPT, that can ruin some of our clears.

Cause it is possible we wrongly assumed that converts started at n1, when in reality… they could start like n3-4, when situation was more stable.

Oh hmmm

Do you even think there is a NK/Rogue in this? Was there one in Deus Ex 3?

There was none.

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Damn, now I wish I was CL.

Imagine first convert on n7 and just watching town go down in flames as they fail to find illuminati which doesn’t exist yet.
