[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins


You are talking like game already ended.


I was responding to erika

Also I mean itā€™s getting close to the end of the game

Thatā€™s why I was talking like that

If itā€™s closer to the ending, why arenā€™t you trying, but demotivate self and others via talking about bleh game?

Because I should be able to get demotivated with the current numbersā€¦?

Eevee, I was working through scenarios again. Was there anything mech-wise preventing Min from possibly being the NSF Leader? I know it seems unlikely socially, but wondering if there was something I forgot from mech/visits/etc.

And it doesnā€™t help that people are busy

Because the thing is, Iā€™m highly suspected as NSF Leader but I know Iā€™m not. I know NSF Leader canā€™t be Erika or Derps. Highly unlikely to be Soul because of 4th Enforcer claim.

So that just leaves Amelia, Eevee, and Min. Amelia is less likely due to interactions with Leafia and CRich, but not impossible. Eevee has a good chance of being NSF Leader, but Iā€™m starting to think more and more that they have to be town from all the effort they are putting into solving this. Then thereā€™s Min, so my question about anything that makes them unlikely to be NSF Leader.

Iā€™m not nsf leader :expressionless:

But in the end, I do think Amelia is the best lynch for today. I see her as the most likely scum (either NSF or Illu) no matter what scenario. And her flip will definitely give lots of info to narrow down other scenarios. The only issue is whether she flips as only Illu convert. That doesnā€™t make town winning as viable.

Can you say more about mech or other stuff that happened to support this though?

Mechwise I canā€™t say much my only confirmation was bad guy

I think socially myself and many other people can agree I havenā€™t been frozen n stuff like at all and yeah

I have various interactions that if you look through the flipped nsf members isos nothing from me should look like w/w interactions

Itā€™s one possibility, but Iā€™m not leaning that way currently. I think Amelia is more likely CL. And Iā€™m getting more and more inclined to think Eevee is town. At first I thought all this scenario talk might be a way to play around with us. But it is really gone beyond that I think. I do really think Eevee is trying to figure this out. So Iā€™m now leaning towards scenarios where Eevee is town. Thatā€™s why I was starting to reevaluate whether thereā€™s a scenario where Min is NSF Leader.

Okay, thanks for answering with all that.

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Okay, I do see tons of interactions with Leafia. And this does look like it goes beyond wolf theater. So yes, this does make it look less likely for Min to be NSF.

The thing is, the only options I see for NSF Leader are Amelia, Eevee, and Min. Amelia has interactions with Leafia and CRich that look even less like wolf theater. As for Eevee, I would have thought they are most likely to be NSF Leader, but recent discussions make me steer away from that.

Iā€™m thinking here itā€™s 7am tho so i might slerp but i wanna vote before so


I think it might just be you then, to be honest.

If Amelia eevee and me donā€™t seem like gf

If soul isnā€™t gf

We know derps and erika canā€™t be gf

Arenā€™t you just leading that arrow to yourself?