[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Well I did awnser you didn’t I

I don’t get why you are still going on about kt

I need to chill, be here when I get back.

At least finally someone else than min is in thread.

So we have 4 saying amelia rn. Should that be concerning?

I actually feel like amelia could also flip cult.
If amelia is cult I see min and + another as thr convert

If I’d have to guess that might be eevee but could possibly be you or derps, whysper doesn’t seem like a good convert to me

Does whysper, soul, min make up a viable team in your mind? It doesn’t in mine, but worth pondering.

Whysoer is probably NSF Leader or cult leader vose virsa for amelia thinking about it

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Then again amelia seems more likely to be converted to me me then whys.

Either one is a decent lynch, would be nice to see who’s generally pushed back on amelia

Okay, let’s get back to what I was doing with Whysper before.

Give me a single team of 3 illuminatis which makes sense.

In summary:
Whysper Cult or nsf leader probably not convert target.

Amelia cult or nsf possible convert.

Min unlikely Nsf leader possible cult.

Derps only really can be a convert

Eevee possible “left field” cult leader or NSF, big possible convert target

Erika only really can be a convert

I don’t know if this is from me but most likely illuminati to me would be


NSF leader likely whysper

I could see whys and amelia switch places though

If your town here and theres 3 illuminati and 1 NSF we’re not in a good position that’s all i can really say

I don’t believe that’s the case to begin with.

Min checking Amelia makes sense
Min confirming me makes sense

Problem - Me asking for Derps to be refilled.

If this is the trio, creating the town vig makes not much sense.
Especially considering min and Amelia were already hard suspected.

Actually I’m pretty sure that it would have headed into that direction anyway.

I’m sure you’re smart enough to manipulate the situation were derp mis-shoots or at least your confidence in that was key enough.

Another thing is you have a possible protection ability that you could have used on min or amelia (amelia being leader might be immune anyway hypnotically speaking)

Asking for derps refill is a generic way to create town credit and really doesn’t make it not likely


My brain is fried chicken

I’m sleeping I’m going to go with voting amelia here I might not be awake at end of day hopefully I don’t get shadow yeeted or something

Then why aren’t you joiinng me on min?

Mins likely non important covert