[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Oh, and I did go back and see that you just claimed JOAT, but not necessarily a character name. I must have got this mixed up with the theories from ATNo.

So I guess I go back to my NSF list of Min, Soul, and Eevee in that order. But now Eevee is even less likely.

And if we believe Derps probably shot at Min since he commented about lynching Min, then that makes it even more likely.

Mins actions donā€™t really make sense from NSF PoV.

Like them coming up with idea that CL didnā€™t convert anyone, even if it was random idea, which needed polishing, led to NSF leader being a valid lynchā€¦ again.

And we know there really isnā€™t 3 illuminati, so likeā€¦ NSF randomly guessing so, making situation worse for themselves isā€¦ weird.
Newbie scum (illu) just going out with TMI is way more likely.

So is today actions earlier on which imo could be signaling.
They wanted to convince you to work together imo.

Why would NSF ping specifically you, if we suspect me, Erika, Soul, pretty much everyone as possible convert.
Meanwhile NSF suspect was mostly you, so likeā€¦ if they were illuminati, that ping would make more sense?

Altho killing Derps would possibly make sense from NSF, considering they were one of his main targets, huh.

Also, can I say how much I hate isoing people for them talking about min?

Literally if you search for example CRichard for his mentions of min, it will show posts like:

Becouse word ā€œCLAIMINGā€ has ā€œMINā€ in it.
or MINd
or deterMINe


and absolute best:



Yeah, in this game itā€™s a big problem, lmao.

Oh oh oh, there it is! The faction is named for Min. :slight_smile:


I did think it was interesting how Soul himself even says I shouldnā€™t give him a pass for the 4th Enforcer claim alone. Though he doesnā€™t give a situation where scum would make that claim. And I still canā€™t imagine one.

But you are right that it makes more sense for Min to be Illu convert. And that leads me to think Soul would be the NSF Leader in that world.

29-30 hours remaining until EoD.



Bad day

Who do u think is nsf leader

About that


Out of soul/whys whos more likely?

Um yes doesnā€™t mean your confirmed rightā€¦?

Iā€™ll post later Iā€™m back to sleep spon can we not trust people based of favour that is designed in most setups to have no actual effect on the game.

*min or whysper.

Heck add eevee on theor

Fart :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:



@ErikaFurudo its soul or whys of course heā€™s gonna say to remove his name or something

Iā€™m just asking between the two who itā€™s most likely to be

Ok nice caps