[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Maybe its not the case in this game but you expect me to know lol?

I was going to ask if Iā€™m overconflicting again, or if what Iā€™m saying makes sense.

Yes, we know there are fakeclaims due to Surge, Leafia etc.

But fakeclaiming a generic role is one thing.
While claiming unique role is second.

Who tf would fakeclaim a jailor in ToL?


Too much Tos.

Okay, letā€™s say I calmed down.

Soā€¦ @Soulshade55r

You are questioning my integirty. Sure.
You say it could be fakeclaim. Also sure.

The problem starts that Iā€™m already more or less confirmed joat.
Or at least visit prevention part, while the watcher part isā€¦ probably more questionable, but still cleared 2 townies out of direct POE back in the day.

Now, role wich was joat is nothign new and existed before, with ā€œagentā€ as a flavor.
Suprisingly in flavor in this game there is agent as well.
And suprisingly person which is claiming agent is claiming joat indeed.

Iā€¦ really donā€™t see lack of integrity you are set on so hard.

You say to look at the weight of my mech confirmation and lack of integrity.
Imo? Thatā€™s actually pretty strong and consistent.

Maybe Iā€™m biased because itā€™s about myself, but yes, I do fail to follow your logic on this.

Who confirmed your visit prevention on who?

I would fogure it would be more like xlaiming joat alch and not a auto confirmation class

If you have confirmed visit prevention then your fine but who confirmed it the shot doesnā€™t confirm you if NSF leader has immunity

Look Iā€™m not saying your scum or have been even scummy but I definitely wanted to question it because Iā€™ve been very trusting towards people whoā€™ve pocketed me the last two games.

I do worry srill that your are scum and it will always be the back of my head as a possibility of course Iā€™m willing to understand that your claim is probably real based on previous games.

I genuinely didnā€™t know closed setups gave confirmed unique rolesā€¦

Min on n3.
To be more exact they claimed they got ā€œno resultā€.

And while I donā€™t trust them, that does lock me out of NSF PoE pretty much.

Thatā€™s mostly cause itā€™s multiball.
Look at the ops bonus, which says in op it starts in UNATCO hands.

If it was only 1 factions, there would be much less confirmation to begin with.

Is this resolved

Anyway idk where to go from here itā€™s either soul or whys

U can ask me questions if u want

Seth - Iā€™ve had basically little to nonexistent interactions with him

Leafia - :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:

Crich - I personally townread because I found he was acting very town, but that slip :fearful:

Also, I can argue that most people have read me as socially starting town. It simply makes no sense to grind me down into The Godfather pov because Iā€™m left. Originally Iā€™m suspected to be convert. U canā€™t just switch me from one to another poe because u want me to widen it.

We are in same scenario as before, arenā€™t we?

If we lynch NSF leader, we could cop check people to force 1 vs 1 and vote out both.
If we lynch illuminati, it would mean we can vote out all other NSF possibilities.

Huh, interesting.

Actually this is exactly what we should do when it gets to MyLo or LyLo. We re-evaluate previous assumptions. Like the Watch Your Mouth (WYM) game I mentioned earlier, everyone was town reading Appel socially the entire game. And we didnā€™t really re-evaluate it much (and I think some not at all) towards the end.

Others are getting re-evaluated as well, so itā€™s not just you. Like Soul. I have thought it definitely couldnā€™t be him because of the 4th Enforcer claim. But now Iā€™m considering whether thatā€™s enough. So we are all re-evaluating and then comparing assumptions between people. We can only eliminate the absolute impossibilities, like Erika being NSF.

Well I see

Thatā€™s fair enough

In all honesty I think it is soul here

@Whysper what do you think?

I think NSF Leader is either Soul or you. I still feel it canā€™t be Eevee.

Did you read up thread?

I did, but was there something you particularly wanted to point out? Are you referring to Soulā€™s suspicions of Eevee?