[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Well derps had you and min in his sights yday. It could be min.

Yes, I think Min is most likely NSF over Soul.

Derps wanted to shoot min day 3, now that I reread this.
Several people told him to stop heroshooting.

But likeā€¦ he is very trigger happy.
I wouldnā€™t be very surprised even if for some reason he shot you.

BTW, Iā€™ve kept from voting on Min because I didnā€™t want an early hammer. But Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll make it back online before EoD. So I can place my vote now, unless thereā€™s still some hammer risk we are worried about.

If we lynch illuminati today, itā€™s 50/50 again tommorow, probably with me dead and Erika deciding (cause if they died, it would be obviously Soul).

If we lynch NSF, we can afford of two lynches to get illuminati, not just one.
And if Erika refuels min, we can force them to cop check people and go into 1vs1 with 2 lynches left.
Pretty much guaranteed victory.

If we misslynchā€¦
Depending on night actions it would be NSF vs Unatco.
Again in 50/50 actually, just with illuminati deciding, not unatco.


Bruh he said I was cleared for giving him the shots. Iā€™d like to think if he shot me there, heā€™d have thought to mention, ā€œhey that kill on ops bonus that looks like an nsf kill was actually meā€ or something :frowning:

Erika, you didnā€™t look the best yesterday for thinking it was Me / Min / Amelia, with min voting Amelia and me pushing min.

I doubt he would shoot you, but I would not be surprised.
Derps is never throwing, he is just impulsive.

nsf has done all of the damage to cult. How cucked would illum have to be to hand nsf the win here?

Also, I believe I know what plague is.


And if Iā€™m right, it doesnā€™t matter at all.

So like whatever.

Accused Voters Count
Whysper Soulshade55r, Min 2/3
Min Whysper 1/3


I have a tinfoil after backreading:

Soul was softing PROTECTIVE since day 2.

Soul and Whysper claimed enforcer on day 4.
Thing isā€¦ on day 4 we already had 3 doctor claims.
(Insanity direct claim, Centuries saying stuff about plague and Eli who was being shot to confirm self)

And since he didnā€™t cc them before, he had to actually cc enforcers to stay consistent.

Also Derps logs are even more bad then I thought they were.

He attacked Eli on night 4, not 3, lmao.

Back for a bit I woke up

Who were the 3 doctor claims?

I thought one was seth right?

Centuries (day 2 claim)
Intensify (day 2 claim)
Eli (day 4 claim)

All of those happened BEFORE you claimed on day 4.


I mean Iā€™d just not claim 4th enforcer then and probably a watcher class or something

No, since you softed protective earlier on.