[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

ok yeah

this is really dangerous

Well can people start being more active?


@Whysper come

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My vote was because I was possibly not going to be awale for end of day Or at making infomed opinion from my pov today.

Do you see anyt

Anything wrong with my progession*

Does no one care now that its end of day…?

20 minutes until end of day.

Apathy is dead.

I do care I’m just scared

Vote like the us elections

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Ugh well if I’m yeeted here I’m sorry to town.

. I’ll try I get people were Just Passively allowing TLs
At this point I feel like either me or whys gets executed with no actual informed voting


Please be here and make your vote even if its aganist me we can’t afford to have no lynch

We can’t afford to have misslynch either.

Yes of course not but no yeet is almost always a guaranteed lose

Actually… is it?

My vote ends the day xd

Just vote me if you have to I hope someone like min or erika sees that I’m good but you mighr have already made up your mind

Please make sure you vote I can’t stress how important this is.

I dislike the lack of energy and panic

You are apealing to wrong people, Soul.

I think I’m most on fence here.

it’s not, but it’s not too helpful. Odds are we just lose eevee and are back to where we are today.