[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

isaac was illuminati leader
astand was hitman (goon)
tele was bomber

The moment I saw eevee claim joat, I am like: watch PKR’s flip and notice the unique

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@ATNoName I gave you such a hard time and I’m sorry about that

Derps correctly shoots the Illuminati CL N1.
Same CL survives to endgame :wowee: .

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I wasn’t even converted then either

illuminati never found its way into NSF
mostly because they got stomped

@Frostwolf103 Petition if you ever decide to host Enemy Within again, do it at April Fools by replaying 1st Enemy Within. Why? Because 1st version was the best one, don’t discuss cuz there is nothing to discuss. :upside_down_face:

I was the NSF

Yeah, Astand was hitman, not goon.

You messed up people.

Yeah that was a big policy lynch moment. I didn’t feel like pushing it for some reason. Eevee played it well. That meta comment was a lil dirty, but the ship had long sailed by then anyway.

Now this bothers me that I’m going to get scum reads more often from this game

Hitman and goon are different things

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At least there is no serious mod errors this time.


I wasn’t widely scum read D1. So improvement.

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I heavily townread u until u slipped


there was no specific goon
astand was selective passive janitor which is the closest thing

Gosick is cute, CUTE

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I was hoping me and you could get through this mess

Well I’m going to overrule Surge if I’m unlucky enough to be scum partners with him.