[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

My point exactly. I can usually tell what Seth’s alignment is by the EoD 1 as a result.

So you’re very confident in you’re Seth read correct? Also I assume you believe Seth over PKR then right?

And only someone suicidal would try defending Seth as a result I think. He’s very bussable.

I forgot defending a few people but thats NAI

I’m pretty confident although that could change.

Idk but I feel like if pkr would be scum he would be by himself

then again I did nothing Day 1

Alright I see.

One of the reasons being that PKR’s roleclaim seems pretty OP to me. That’s why I want him to prove it by sending me a message tonight.

The GEP gun is a fine choice, but the mini crossbow with tranq darts is also great


He could still be scum if he messages you. Having the Seth flip is kind of the only way to know for sure.

The power of the role is quite questionable, but we shall see

The only way to know for sure is to flip PKR actually.

and if you’re town you’d want the op power used on scum and not yourself.

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Here’s the deal, Seth is usually confirmed town by speaking, but I haven’t seen anything saying Seth is confirmed town. It’s like Seth has been non-existent and this is why I think Seth is just scum

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I think min is probably a semi townlean (I don’t know how they play

well enough), but it’s not something I have much confidence in. Like

the asking for conversion, giving reads without much depth, and such

give me bad vibes. The things that make me reconsider the previous

line is that they are newer, seem comfortable in thread, and are the

top poster. I acknowledge that they are doing some solving for a

newbie, which isn’t impossible, but there have only been a few new

players who did a decent job in their first scum game on this site, so I

feel like it’s harder for most newbies to actually be within those 3

things I said before. I want to put this at a semi townlean right now,

but this a read that I take with a grain of salt.


I was about to scum read Erika for being a bit more meme-y, but

looking at Uminecko it seems they were similar in that game. I do

have a light scum read on Erika for how they have handled solving.

Look at Umineko vs this game. This time around Erika has more fluff

in their posts and less solving. I think this is a light scum read


I remember when I used to hate the way Intensify posted, meh it’s not

too bad. I do think Intensify if very much a null read for me, but this is

someone who I could see kind of getting out of the null zone. I do like

that Intensify is making reads and they do seem comfortable in

thread, which makes me think they have a decent chance of being

town. Right now Intensify is a null read for me, but I think they are

trending town in my eyes.


I will be straight up honest here. I think CRich contributing very little to

the game, joking around, and primarily asking questions is not a good

look in my eyes. Like they compliment Intensify on "advancing the

town", but they are kind of coasting by themselves. The only thing I

get from them that seems like effort is when they discredit min’s

Centuries read. This is a light scum read for now.


I don’t see much solviness, but they seem comfortable and they do

make a non conensus opinion or two. Like them SRing min primarily

over a possible joke is kind of a bad read, but it’s something that no

one else has done. This is a null slot, but my gut says they are town.


I am going to say I get very null vibes from eevee, but I think that’s

intentional and for that reason I will wait for them to actually play/give

reads (they said they won’t give reads now) GTH I don’t know what

eevee is. I can’t read eevee with such little information

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I need lunch, but I will be back to make more reads reads in a bit (the remaining reads should be easier and technically I need to try and make a proper read on Eevee soon)

@Eevee when you don’t play I can’t get a read on you

If I don’t play, I can’t lose. :^)

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Damn it eevee