[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

So did you seen Eevee message?

They arenā€™t. Because Iā€™m not scum.

What do you think?

if you think Eevee is town here, why did you not trust him?

Iā€™m just really hoping you Re-Evaluate after my lynch.

What manipulation gives a fake action report? Only thing I can think of traditionally is redirection which also doesnā€™t make much sense considering the open vig claim being a more likely redirect.

Surge, lets act like a moment that I believe you.
Hint, I really do not.

This would mean that a manipulation role went onto you or me and chose to make it appear as if you were planting a bomb.

What is that? Why does this happen?

You are not someone who is checked too much, to my dismay so idk why someone would do that.
I am someone who is memed to often claim important but not do much so I highly doubt I get fucked with directly.

My guess is scum might have some feedback transport or something?
Or you were Redirected?

If you were Redirected to someone else would you receive their feedback instead of mine?

It was still a continuation of your other post.


I am unsure.

I highly dislike how you are making me self doubt rn but I think you are doing this on purpose due to knowing how easily I would cave in.


Yo Iā€™m a trashporter covering for seth i transed uhhh gorta with seth

Its gorta guys!

Ha, funny.

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I am thank you.

If theirs a town tranporter out now.

I highly doubt it

Well out if you visited seth

looks like my question didnā€™t spark.

@ChopChop, If you read carefully, Eevee wanted to be shot. Why did you bother healing him?

Ok but why am I ever redirected when as I said, I just often act more important than I am and do really questionable plays?

Alternatively, why are you transported?
If you were transported by town, they would come out.
But if you were transported by scum then they would have to have some reason why and I do not see it

Actually, I think Surge has a point here. With what you were saying yesterday, I think itā€™s reasonable to assume that a redirected would think you were important and target you N1.

transporty boy come out soon if not ur scum