[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

Like this is a lot of bs to make up if Seth is evil without good teammates

Not really

Itā€™s just ā€œscum has a Redirector lolā€

Well what would you do in my shoes?

I mean the ability thing


How else do you explain PKRā€™s check?

I donā€™t know

Contest PKR?

If you say youā€™d think PKR is evil then why would he risk himself here?


Yeah No.

If that is real thatā€™s against the rules~~

No I wrote it up I didnā€™t copy and paste, that would be against the rules.

I still donā€™t think scum has redirector

I highly doubt staring illuminati leader has redirection skills

I donā€™t see why nsf would redirect to their own kind

I really donā€™t see why pkr would ever be evil in this case unless heā€™s nk or cl (in that case he has a convert but it still wouldnā€™t make sense as cl to basically get himself yeeted at the expense of seth

Iā€™m beginning to think it might have been a Bus Driver and not a Redirector.

would a town bus driver still not open claim at this point and out who they swapped you with? Is that how it works? If they swapped you with someone that someone has to be an nsf

Oh wait, wait wait nevermind

if you think its a bus driver, I think I know someone. Hes pretty familiar.

I saw what you said earlier

That actually makes sense kinda

Scum Bus Driver as I stated previously.

actually nvm, I was thinking the wrong interaction.