[SFM] Deus Ex 20th Anniversary - Enemy Within 4 - Illuminati wins

This game took 3 weeks to end.


Night 8 game

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It couldn’t have been a meta read as this is the 1st game we’ve played together.

Can we give surge unatco MVP


This was my inspiration

It wasn’t, but some things just didn’t feel like something one would naturally say. there was filler or something. But my reads were trash, and maybe you just got unlucky on the roulette.

it’s factually impossible that astand was illuminati in deus ex 3
illuminati head was isaac
only convert was geyde
if you say the hitman isn’t a goon then we had no goon

@eevee you bet you didnt saw that one coming this whole time.

Yeah this lasted longer than I expected. And I still can’t believe Eevee was scum. Nice work. :slight_smile:

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Whysper you did pretty good job as town imo.

I definitely felt like you mainly got yeeted because it was a 2v2v1

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Obviously you were more convincing then amelia and atno

And I am also glad someone actually took a look on actual lore, not as this FM flavour but the game itself.

Well I’m still surprised ATNo got yeeted. And unfortunately I was part of getting Amelia yeeted. Just when it got to the end, I thought Amelia had highest chance of being NSF. Your 4th Enforcer claim really messed me up. Haha. So that was actually a fake claim you were given??

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Yeah i figured they wouldn’t give me a 4th enforcer claim with 3 real enforcers

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I mean

With me basically yelling “KILL ATNO”

I am disappointed

Eevee retracted the claim before you

Get bombed scrub

Note to self: Don’t get distracted by Minecraft while in a FM

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