[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Bu5 the mafia cards follow the same format (presumably)

no who should i try reading

So youā€™re scumclaiming and donā€™t want me to townclear a player

Try reading Hippo

Iā€™m honestly tired of putting in so much effort to fill my slot properly and then other players who donā€™t try are let off the hook whereas I am expected to bend over backwards for town. Tired of it. I donā€™t fit your meta, Iā€™m not going to act differently, I donā€™t care.

Hippo has done jack shit and half of his ISO are votes, and then he comes around here to tell me to ā€œchange it upā€? Nah, Iā€™m not going to change it up. Iā€™m sorry that Iā€™m trying and that itā€™s never enough.

Iā€™m taking shots in the dark and hoping something sticks really, oh well.

Hard to read people when most of the posts are fluff

Hippo softed

Thereā€™s no point to complaining here with being stuck in the box
Unless you think AtE is the only way to get out of situations

Hippo has done jack shit for the most part
Does that make him scum?


Means he is town

Yeah Itā€™s not AI but what do you want me to say? You want me to out my class?

I canā€™t read this bullshit, legitimately. Youre one of the only players whoā€™s actually playing

what did he soft his class?

Stop shifting all of the blame onto me for the fact that Iā€™m reading you as scum. Itā€™s pointless
I canā€™t tell you how to play

And I hate that. I shouldnā€™t have tried from the beginning then maybe people wouldnā€™t always scum read me as town

And shut up with this ā€œAtE is the only way you can get outā€ BS. I literally just got off work so I donā€™t wanna hear it

Why are you complaining about being scumread as town

Isnā€™t your goal to find scum
As you said: nobody is posting

What is stopping you from trying to read players

The fact that there is no content to read, like I already stated