[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Accused Voters Count
Italy Lastday3312, WazzaAzza, KyoDaz, astand, Isaac_Gonzalez 5/8

what is angleshooting?

Itā€™s cheating the system to gain unfair knowledge you use against player during day phase

And by unfair I mean knowledge youā€™re not suppose to know that.

oh,then we are all angleshootingā€¦


But as Eevee have spoken, we continue as normal. Again sorry for missteps

Hello. I want to apologize about yesterday. Iā€™ve taken the time to cool off and I will try not to be so emotionally inclined since it is NAI and that isnā€™t helpful to anyone

Here are the reads that I drew up last night:

1: KyoDaz ā€” slight town / although his thought process is different from mine I have concluded that it still probably comes from town (defending Lastday isnā€™t as scummy as I originally concluded and he is being insightful with reads).

2: SirDerpsALot ā€” null / statements are mostly NAI and there hasnā€™t been much substance to his posts so far.

3: BlueStorm ā€” null / Hasnā€™t posted enough for me to get a good grasp on her (?) alignment

4: Magnus ā€” Town / Magnus is in his town meta where he outs his class or abilities very early

5: JakeTheWolfie ā€” null / I donā€™t think Jake was present at all D1

6: Nerbins ā€” slight scum / thread presence is weak and he his ISO is full of fluff and otherwise meaningless posts

7: WazzaAzza ā€” null / would need to see more from him to determine his alignment

8: Italy ā€” slight town / memey like he usually is as town and seems pretty relaxed in thread. In his first scum game he panicked and outed himself when pushed on.

9: Hippolytus ā€” slight town / as much as I hate meta reading someone as town for being memey and relaxed, he is. And thatā€™s close to his personality so Iā€™d say he is more likely town than scum. Even though I wish he was more productive because dead ass half of his ISO is just voting people.

10: DatBird ā€” town / has been contributing and asking questions like he does as town. Seems very relaxed in the thread and his discussion doesnā€™t feel forced.

11: H_Hja ā€” town / in her town meta. Is defensive and asking people questions and contributing well in the thread.

12: Astand ā€” null / might be confirmation bias against him, but my intuition tells me that his thread entrance was unnatural. Though I understand that it could just be him trying to be a productive townie, so Iā€™ll leave it null for now.

13: Teleology ā€” Me

14: Geyde ā€” town / Blatantly town, is being the most productive in the thread and trying to gamesolve. Has good contributions and insights.

15: Lastday3312 ā€” null / nothing AI from my point of view, and I didnā€™t like the response to my original question, but ISO is a better look from after that point.

16: Isaac_Gonzalez ā€” slight scum / Has been spewing fluff and hasnā€™t contributed to the discussion even when asked. Is this part of his meta though?

Yes, a lot of nulls. So many people have been saying things that are just NAI and I canā€™t tell their alignment. Make me change my mind today so I can label more of you into binary alignments.

Also I just saw the kills last night and uhhh

/Vote Italy @Frostwolf103

But no more votes after me so that day doesnā€™t end early

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So why are we voting Italy again? Sorry, I just got here.

Accused Voters Count
Italy Lastday3312, WazzaAzza, KyoDaz, astand, Isaac_Gonzalez, Teleology 6/8

look when d2 started and you will understandā€¦

I do not want to say it cause i think itā€™s angleshootingā€¦

waitā€¦I telling you this is already angleshooting.


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Okay Lastday is town or at least not NSF if Italy is NSF. That post was genuine af

This is reroll worthy

My b

[trying to start a useless(Probably) Conversation]

Who do you guys think is the most scum(Expect Italy) in here?

Yeah I wasnā€™t really suspecting Italy before today but :woman_shrugging:

Isaac/Nerbins are suspicious to me but I have a lot of null reads. Do you have any ideas Last?

Here,so i think Issac is a bit suspicous.

I think he is trying to distract somethingā€¦

He is using angle shooty logic to clear Italy and then votes Italy :thinking:

showing no engagement to the lastday wagon
probably because they are okay with it going through (ie not their teammate)

repeating what others are saying

mildly confident that lastday isnā€™t NSF scum off of this