[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Ah, good idea.

They already have!


Get to the shelter!

tbh Iā€™d start tomorrow so we donā€™t have conflicts with SFoL 54

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All right, I take my first steps.

I am not handing out cards yet today/tonight, but I am assigning to it.

Keep in mind thereā€™s no cap limit


Coming soon

10 days after the siege assault attempted by National Secessionist Forces (NSF), outside of underground headquarters of United Nations Anti-Terrorism Coalition (UNATCO) in Paris have shown little to none hostile activity, however thereā€™s strange rumors someone saw something passing through the hallways that may appear to be optical camouflage like someone is invisible, itā€™s not something NSF have tech like that so what is it then?

Day 1 has started that last for 24 hours until EoD.

Day 1 have lynch

Welcome everyone to the annua-

Oh wait, this isnā€™t the hunger games.
Hello everyone.

And may the odds be ever in yourā€”
Oh wait. Still not the Hunger Games.

Lovely discussion weā€™re having.

timestamp for day 1 is added on OP

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Action rolls into the game

ā€œLetā€™s go team, we need to protect the somethingorother!ā€

Radio crackles

I volunteer as tribute.

I challenge NSF and Illuminati to D1 claim and win xD

TFW I am terribly uneducated about lore Morning everyone. Iā€™m gonna be really busy today but Iā€™ll try to participate a little while Iā€™m at school

D1 will probably do nothing so you can go back to study,I supposeā€¦

/vote Lastday3312

Well we have a D1 lynch so I mean, Iā€™d hope weā€™d use it to our advantage

/vote Hippolytus