[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!


I find it hard because of several reasons

  1. lack of motivation
  2. unwanting to accidentally reveal info I shoulndt know
  3. overthinking on how people will view my posts
  4. as town I enjoy long conversation but not as scum

and there is probably something I am not thinking of rn

A neat little trick. Tune out the scum mindset. Think of the game like an actual townie. I do that a lot. Totally voluntarily, I donā€™t forget iā€™m evil or anything.

Very well done Hja.
Now you arenā€™t being absolutely blasted by bullets.
However I do urge you to fix that problem as scum. Youā€™ll never have motivation if you are just lynched 24/7.

now I can finally sleep cuz its 7 am

Good night Hja.

Right Isaac Iā€™m afraid youā€™re the next object for termination.

Beep beep

Please tell me you didnā€™t put a bomb on Isaac for ā€˜beep beepā€™

Are we not allowed to make fake car noises anymore

I have come!

Lastday cometh before the death

Eh?you ded

Probably me or isaac.

I hate autocorrectā€¦

Magnus is somehow convinced I canā€™t be scum and kyo thinks iā€™m better to keep alive right now.

Me? Dead? Iā€™d neverā€¦unless I was instantly brought back :eyes:

i have died twice now. Existence is pain.

Ok thenā€¦magnus and kyo canā€™t be NSF scum thenā€¦

Bold statements considering theyā€™re both calling for me to not be killed :eyes: