[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

I think the big factor might have been the fact that I was trying to talk to you more at the end.

Well guys gg killed the super power for ya and then he got ressurected

Wait I think I can do signups now. Maybe idk. Schedules weird. Either way its sleep time

Assuming I could be dead for more than 5 minutes was your biggest mistake.

NSF Wins

Anyways, we got the cure to the Gray Death. Good going us.

The elite are losing power over the common folk and eventually they too succumbed to Gray Death that the cure was once reserved for the upper-class of society, they tasted their own medicine of their population control plan.

NSF are gaining support of working class and few deserters exchance their loyalty for the cure and it’s looking up for them in the future.

UNATCO and Illuminati suffers heavily for not meeting the criteria of population control plan of Gray Death, their leadership is also dwindling, they will remember this.


@Frostwolf103 How did Isaac’s role work?

And yeah, someone invite me to deadchat

You are not allowed in deadchat since you are still alive

Loved your play, astand.

Had that feeling.


Why are you signed as red line

Because my email has my full name and I don’t want to reveal my full name to y’all

that was a joke

you think I didn’t know that

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Oh oops one moment.


He is pure cult leader class with BP