[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

technically you said it in thread


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so i have info to call you out on a lie but canā€™t use it because angleshooting
nice rule

but ye Id agree its angel shooting

A n g e r y

still gonna /vote Tele though

Wait theres an app

Yeah, thereā€™s a FoL app for mobile. I have it.


I have always just kept multiple chrome tabs just for the forums on mobile lol

I could check to see if tele is lying right here and now, but apparently thatā€™s angleshooting >:(


i just realized how firekitten named himself


also the app is called tol instead of fol for some reason

Well I admitted that I was at school so that I donā€™t get scum read for activity or short posts, but you brought up the plausibility of me being at school. Technically I did bring it up first but you turned it into something a bit angle shooty :woman_shrugging:

Also data exists, but the app does work with my school WiFi. Iā€™d like us to stop talking about this now.

Maybe make some legitimate reads instead of relying on angle shooting tactics

not on appstore

Also youā€™re scum reading me now? Since when does town Italy make reads

it gave me the option when i opened it on chrome to download it

Itā€™s called DiscourseHub