[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

I’m already in two games on this website, I don’t think I can reasonably handle a third one.
I might join if these two games end before this one, though.


Sorry I am too busy to play properly

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No worry folks, I understand.

“N0: Some unknown charred bodies” Perfect.

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Actually just /spectate instead.

id probably join this but im in mountainous, kai’s game, wazza’s dangan game, and alice’s so i won’t be able to join many games for a little bit, sorry

That comes in November I believe.


Interest ping incoming

Any of you want to play this before FM Danganronpa begins next month?

only if there is a secret fourth party which is also part of the mafia and knows everyone role

and part of illuminati


There’s only one way to find out.

fine lol /join

Not interested, sorry.

hippo’s joining?

oh boy

i wanna get deathtunneled again so lemme see how a couple other games go first, then i’ll in this if it doesn’t start at an inconvenient time

/vote MaximusPrime

turquoises in syndicate

i have a passive that reflects all votes on me back to the voter and makes them unable to change their vote specifically for you :sunglasses:

I have passive that disables all other passives

I am passively immune to passives that disable other passives

I passively disable all other passives, bypassing disabling immunity.