[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Isn’t that Blue’s scum meta? That’s what Arete said in SFoL 55

Since i can’t really find his/her post in here

It is

I will just do @BlueStorm here,please reply asap.

Can i do whispers in FM?

You can’t

Oh well,worth a try :stuck_out_tongue:

I am off to sleep,see ya.

I feel kinda dirty analysing anything Italy did before he actually flipped.

I do agree that Hippo had a decent interaction with him, since I think Italy was genuinely pressured by him. And neither I think there would be a real need to put more attention to Italy the way he did on D1 if Hippo was his partner.

I’d also say Teleo is not super likely NSF either, seeing how Italy just parked his vote on him for the entire day - feels like pretty much a throwaway vote/wagon he’d feel safe-ish to be on (after getting pressured to vote).

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LastDay somehow feels even more pure to me today.

Also don’t think we should prolong this day for the entirety of 48 hours or we risk people just losing their interest and WiM like it happened in JOAT game (even though it somehow ended well there).

The lynch is decided anyway.

/vote Italy

Blame me

I do think we need longer day

Give people time to talk about reads and stuff

Can someone unvote?

It’s l-1 rn


Okay guys I have info. It’s urgent but it’ll give part of my role away and it could also be fabricated so I’m not sure I should say it


Out with it Nerbins