[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!


While you wait for Danganronpa, you can practice your scumreading here :wink:

Oof sorry for the double ping Jgoes. Just trying to help

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A relaxed game, I guaranteed


In if it cant fill otherwise.

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But similar to academy, not going to overexert myself for sure.


I am sure the mods that handle the procedure the reviewing and allowing sign-ups to happen may want to change it.

If itā€™s relaxed I suppose I can join too since Iā€™m not that occupied, but also I havenā€™t been feeling great recently so I wonā€™t be my best



/spectate for now but if it doesnā€™t get enough people to fill then maybe


I know, Fall season is one of these times you get chance of common cold. I mean at least I have it currently itā€™s not nice to have it :frowning:

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Wait rolelist is closed, but roles from previous enemy within are in play? I didnt follow them, so I might be at disadvantage?

No plurality is eh.

Getting 11 people to vote 1 personā€¦

itā€™s probably different

I will probably resort to heroism and try to strongarm a lynch (and be wrong inevitably).

Expect low activity, but Iā€™ll try to make this happen


I donā€™t mind the double ping.

This is the reason.

i will be same us Isaac_Gonzalez up there,will do /spec,if there is not enough playerā€¦Then i will do /join.I guess

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Aw :frowning:

16 players is minimum, now itā€™s your chance