[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

FK is not tied to their leader

NSF Leader

Godfather Class
Donā€™t shoot I surrender! (Passive) - You have body armor that protects against attacks - 1 use
No criminal records (Passive) - You show as UNATCO when investigated
Propaganda (Day) - Frame the player tonight or you can choose to make NSF member shown as UNATCO tonight - 3 uses
Orders (Night) - You choose NSF Member or yourself to attack a player
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

Prolly just kill then

I actually donā€™t know but itā€™s leader

This is from second game, so I guess might be the case.

Dedicated factional kill is still factional kill

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Guys the title still says 14 out of 16 dead does that mean anything?

It might just work like it used to

Mod didnā€™t update op to reflect


New plan, just hang Italy and have Isaac shot.
Doubt Illuminati have much utility to stop TK

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If Orders are in this game and can be rbā€™ed, then we can rb the factional, right?

/vote Italy

Nerbins RB Isaac

Oh yeah that also makes sense

Vigs do not shoot, I will

Oh okay Iā€™ll do that I guess

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2 people are still dead

No, roleblock the Conversion.

Reminder: All of my abilities are one-shot but they CAN be replenished by something

Tbh it would work and probably doesnā€™t matter then even if Isaac can convert by himself.

One-shot abilites cannot be replenished via op bonus

Mine can, but I choose one to replenish if Iā€™m targeted by it

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