[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Again, the fact that you cannot metaread me proves that it’s a simple thing to sync metas, or even change things up at random so town “conftown” you one game when you’re evil.

2 Kills is likely to suggest mafia kill did go through
Even if it didn’t go through it still doesn’t show why What Italy told is truth

I believe DatBird attempted to shoot Magnus and was redirected.
At least, I believe he shot.

So then dat shot himself. True madlad.

How does it prove that

You can believe whatever you want

Okay, let me run this by you one more time.
You cannot metaread me.
This proves that it is possible to sync metas.
I am capable of switching up and even syncing my town/scum meta so that it becomes impossible to tell what I am purely by meta. This makes “in my town meta, conftown” a failure of an argument

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Well no it doesn’t prove anything there can be different reasons for me not being able to metaread you

Well my inability to metaread you doesn’t indicate that no one can metaread I think that should be obvious

And even if what you said is true you can’t arrive at this conclusion because you would have to prove that I also can am capable of switching meta

is your argument literally now “How can you prove that i CAN do it?”

No it isn’t you skipped all reasoning and picked last line

literally nobody has metaread me, have you seen a single metaread on D1 against me


Have you seen D1 metaread against me?



You can be so punchable sometimes.

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Yeah, there is no hope for Hja.

For you, D2 counts. There wasn’t much of a D2 metareading possibility for me.

There is no hope for you making sound argument for me being scum

Hen the argument is that much I’m having an open wolf do my work for me.
Even they see it