[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

A-thank you.

You can then confirm the name of your ability is Surveillance Camera, correct?


Muy bueno.

Letā€™s look elsewhere.

Iā€™m making reads now by going back through Geydeā€™s interactions.

What were your other questions

Accusation of you

And this

I outed it because I fancied doing so.

And what do you mean, ā€œaccusation of meā€, because thatā€™s not really a question.

Geydeā€™s first interactions all concern Lastday.

Like, both days.

Do Illuminati know who each other are?

I know it isnā€™t but post you respond to is accusation you havenā€™t responded to yet

This doesnā€™t explain

I know it doesnā€™t

I donā€™t really have a good explanation for it

What are your thoughts on Lastday possibly being starting Illuminati with Geyde?

And which post? Youā€™ve made several.


I answered that.

I also backtracked on my Kyo read, now knowing what Illuminati does.

Kyo is solid town, Lastday is a candidate for starting Illuminati, and I need to look through more.

You know that I am not letting this pass right

I mean it has 1 point about you being hedgy and second about you not having any intuitive reads while scrolling

Anyone fancy dismantling this with me post-flip? It seems important

I am both of these things all of the time, Hjasik. Look at literally any of my past games.

I would have to go 10 years back to check that