[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Ask me anything reasonable.

Meh worth a shot

I am gonna be busy for today - at a mate’s having a Halloween sesh :ghost:

Who do you think is Illuminati?

Wolfy post especially that emoji at the end


Anyone else?
Your thoughts on Blue?

That is not stonks Hjasik

You don’t make excuses as town

Nuff said.

Oh rah

Didn’t you flip evil?

/vote Italy

Open and shut case

Changing the subject is something an evil would do :eyes:

Now if you will excuse me I’m finna alcohol myself to death :chart_with_upwards_trend: stonks

wolfy you voted him only now

why didnt you vote him from start

Also Isaac’s our vote

yes, shoo, don’t put your hands on me >:(

how many illuminatis you think there are in sfw

Why would we vote Isaac when Italy most likely has immunity to vigilante shots?

Doooo ittttttt