[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Because NSF doesn’t convert?

We know that. Why would it matter if we hung Isaac instead of you?

Because if you hang isaac and he’s the illuminati converter, a new player will take his place. By RBing him instead, you block conversions.


… That’s exactly what I am proposing we do.
Hang you and RB Isaac.


Wait fuck


This could work, but we shoot Isaac if anything. He could be immune to RB

RB immune cult converter
doubt that

Mastermind’s immune to RB, why can’t illuminati

You have it in your mind that all of my questions towards you are attempting to incriminate you.
That is not the case.
However I promise to have Hja killed as best as I can for you.

You know what fine
We lynch Italy today and I’ll roleblock Isaac tonight
However, if he’s immune, we lynch Isaac tomorrow and I’ll suspect Kyo the rest of the game

I’m literally a guilt vigilante (UNATCO Trooper) so I’ll be dying if Hja is town the next night.

Where did you claim this

I just did.

Someone said something about UNATCO trooper earlier

Why did you ask

Should I also RB Isaac tonight to make doubly sure he doesn’t convert?

Hey, hey, who wants to see a magic trick.

Sorry what