[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!


I know.
Doesn’t change the favt they still stated a class type with UNATCO in it.

Italy said unatco killer?
Wazza said don’t try to rolefish me
I said unatco Miller?

Why are you taking it out of context

No claim
Claim bad

Isaac claim now

Claim good


Why would you not correct them? You should have known it does not say that in our class types.

Cuz I checked you as Illuminati


1 Like

Flip incoming

Legit yes
Everyone shush

Oh my, that isn’t good.
Get Hja.

S e a t b e l t s e v e r y o n e

Guys cease talking


we still use classtype That way we say for example BD killer even tho there isn’t BD class named killer

Seems like fake distancing

Accused Voters Count
Italy Lastday3312, WazzaAzza, astand, Isaac_Gonzalez, Teleology, KyoDaz, BlueStorm, Italy 8/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Geyde, astand 2/8

The majority has reached and it’s up to this conclusion that we got Italy as lunch, mhmmm, arrividerci!

Italy is NSF Leader

Night 2 has started and will end in 24 hours unless all actions are accounted, like stated since Night 1

Guys, I made miscalculation

Day 1 continues

just let me die