[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Accused Voters Count
Italy Lastday3312, WazzaAzza, Isaac_Gonzalez, Teleology, KyoDaz, BlueStorm, Italy 7/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Geyde, astand 2/8


Just let me die!

You will never reach the truth


@KyoDaz come here so I can show why that read is bad

I hate how accurate this is.

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Isaac can you unvote

im a tracker so im confirmable don’t lynch me

Pressure more people to vote me :eyes:

Can you unvote tho

why if he is confirmed leader

Because we have hours in day

Geyde, vote me!

i think everyone left but sure /unvote

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you must live

Frostwolf right now.

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also part 5 spoilers :eyes:

spoilers reeee :gun:

/vote Italy still