[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

Wolf with track ability would be able to do same

Also we need to cut back on the mechanics talk

Tracker does basically nothing for either scum this game because of the setup being closed
As long as his results are legit tonight I’m inclined to let it live

But he could be a converter

why would a tracker be with scum unless im converted


S e e k e r

no noob

Y e s

Tracker as confirmability action


Why not

I don’t think Frost designs like that given Deus Ex 2

Isn’t this counted as angleshooting?


who do u guys think has the bomb?

Do you think converter acts during n2 or during n1 given FoL background

The person with the bomb.

Illuminati can have town role

Dude last time I played a game with conversion was a while ago I don’t know
I think N1 right?

permission to use mind control to wipe everyone’s memories of me ever flipping NSF Leader?