[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

I just think that if you guys DIDN’T place the bomb you would’ve said so

SDA is probably just dead

Oh Dat’s dead?

He only said Italy is still alive

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Dat’s in deadchat, yeah.

Graveyard’s actually an okay place.

You got info from deadchat?

I’m pretty sure that’s very illegal

No bad, Italy, bad

No, there was no info. I just know dat’s dead.

okay :<

So you guys DIDN’T kill Dat?

This game is an actual circus.

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X to doubt

Derp* heck

gonna stop before i get modkilled :eyes:

I don’t think there’d be great value listening to Italy’s antispew here.

Yeah probably

Oh okay

I’ll take questions that aren’t stupid, are reasonable, and actually have something to do with this chat.