[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

You can’t defend your read that’s why it’s either 1 of those

Hja the most you have to defend yourself is self-meta when I’ve already said I don’t believe you are in your town meta.

The more you yell you’re confirmed town the worse it gets for you.

If you use “i’m in my meta” as a defense, I won’t trust you. Just a heads up for future games. Especially if you think being in “town meta” makes you conf town. It’s beyond easy to use your town meta as scum, even if it sandbags you.

You don’t have to believe anything I proved I am town that’s enough to get protectives

You have proven literally nothing.

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Italy if you have any people that stonewall abilities give me a call

Oh do you want to argue that cuz right now you can’t prove any of your points

I can neither confirm nor deny this question.

I have this is my meta as town I can link you games if you want

Have them be used on Hja and I’ll shoot them.
Well Hja your reliance on protection just went.
What do you have now other than yelling confirmed town

Prove they have stonewall

Well that I am conf town

How am I supposed to prove they have a stonewall?

You can’t thats why I will rely on it

It refers to protection

You still haven’t proven any of your reasons to scumread me right

I literally just said this. You are not confirmed town just because you are “in your town meta”. It is easy to fake thoughts and metas, and there’s nothing truly trustworthy about that. You could be anything, it’s just that NSF is the least likely. I do sandbag my teammates if I want to. That’s just how I play the game, because sandbagging ensures that you and sometimes even your buddies get more towncred. You have provided nothing but useless things, and claim that confirms you.

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Have I made myself clear yet?

You can say whatever you want that doesn’t make it true the metareads have been working for many games and you saying how you don’t like them won’t change it