[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

guilt vig only has guilt if they kill

its not sarcasm if you are telling truth since you didnt respond to that post

How is the top sentence not sarcasm? Hello?

Are we back to the GRAMMAR POLICE again.

because you are telling truth since you didnt respond to that post

Again, as per the class we shall not name, there is no specification saying they won’t guilt suicide if they are healed.

I’m actually inclined to hang you over Italy at this stage Hja

is it because you cant respond to that post?

Respond to what post?


Your arguments are now “I already answered that”

because thats what I did

like if you keep repeating same thing after I answer it what do you expect

You to give us an answer that actually makes sense?

well you have never shown why my previous answer doesnt make sense

Your argument to why you can’t be faking metas is that you aren’t capable of it.

yes and I linked you game of clown fiesta

No, not incorrect. Me and Italy have managed to prove that self-meta is easily forgable per my example and

I believe you’ve completely failed this game to replicate it as you failed to apply pressure onto anyone. You yourself admitted to this.

No, it’s your way of saying 'I’m out of ways to defend myself, I need to keep repeating myself or trying to contradict and go in circles or else I have to just give up"

I haven’t even read over you but from experience I did not scumread you in that game AND you were a lone wolf.

You’ve just went and proved that you understand what your meta is. Jesus. You also just went and said that you’ve failed to replicate a part of your meta.

Your only argument currently is that you cannot replicate your town meta as scum.
You aren’t even in your town meta this game.

no you havent

this isnt relevant

if you say something is scummy its your job to back it up me saying opposite is showing why you saying that doesnt show anything

I did join scumchat N3 I believe

its on you to prove it is important part of my meta