[SFM] Deus Ex 3: Enemy Within - NSF Wins!

now I can finally sleep cuz its 7 am

Good night Hja.

Right Isaac I’m afraid you’re the next object for termination.

Beep beep

Please tell me you didn’t put a bomb on Isaac for ‘beep beep’

Are we not allowed to make fake car noises anymore

I have come!

Lastday cometh before the death

Eh?you ded

Probably me or isaac.

I hate autocorrect…

Magnus is somehow convinced I can’t be scum and kyo thinks i’m better to keep alive right now.

Me? Dead? I’d never…unless I was instantly brought back :eyes:

i have died twice now. Existence is pain.

Ok then…magnus and kyo can’t be NSF scum then…

Bold statements considering they’re both calling for me to not be killed :eyes:

or maybe they’ve come to the conclusion that italy just can’t fucking die for some reason

Yea lol,would any NSF leader point out his teammate?


Hey,you do still love gamble right?